Careers Programme
At Atlantic Academy, our aim is to ensure that every student receives a comprehensive careers education to assist them in developing employability skills and knowledge of the different career pathways available to them. This will enable all students to make informed decisions at significant times throughout their education and future lives.
In January 2018 the DFE issued a new Statuary Careers Guidance which outlines the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks that schools should meet by 2020. Atlantic Academy is currently achieving these benchmarks, but are always working to further develop our careers programme.
The careers programme is embedded within the Character Curriculum, delivered fortnightly for all pupils. Staff work to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life and the future. The programme provides suitable careers-related activities for each year group and, in KS4, is strengthened with guidance meetings for parents/carers. All students in KS4 are given individual interviews, which parents/carers are welcome to attend, before making final KS4 and post-16 choices. A team of staff offer individual counselling and support to those who want it on GCSE results day.
All students are entitled to careers education and guidance that is impartial. It is integrated into their experience of the whole curriculum, based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. Students have access to Career software via the school website and Google Classroom. Students will have many opportunities to engage with employers through our Enterprise Programme as well as school trips, industry competitions and a number of subject specific activities. Local Labour Market information links lead to a vast range of career profiles, detailing the skills needed to do the jobs, as well as qualifications, entry routes and salaries.
Information will be updated 4th September 2024.
Assessment of the impact of the careers programme on students
Atlantic Academy is currently working towards initiating a half-yearly questionnaire/survey to assess the impact of the careers programme on students. Survey information received will be published on the Careers Webpage